Global Membership - click here for more information
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The Hirondelle Association began back in 1986 but really took off when the hard copy newsletters were introduced in January 1987; they consisted of four editions sent out at the end of February, May, August and November.
Each edition was filled with interesting articles and reports from members, there are many reports from other sources, a current list of known boats and their information is also published. The newsletters carried much useful information mainly Hirondelle biased but much is useful to all Multihullers, indeed you do not need to own a Hirondelle just have an interest in the type.
The Association no longer produces hard copy newsletters primarily these ceased due to the lack of input by Members, we are sure this was due to the busy lives we all lead nowadays.
We have members in Europe, Canada, North America and the UK.
We are sure you will be delighted with your experiences in Hirondelle whether they are sailing in your own area, working on, modifying, rebuilding or anything else you may find to do with her. Should you feel the need to write regarding any such experience we will see to it that your article gets circulated electronically.
There is, as far as we know, only one other medium in the world where you can talk Hirondelle. The Association is about just that "communication regarding Hirondelle with like minded others". The various items to be dealt with insurance, maintenance, sailing instructions, the list goes on.
The other one is the Hirondelle Owners' Community.